
plotnine is a data visualization library which implements the grammar of graphics. The grammar of graphics is an approach to data visualization API design which diverges in the extreme from that followed by the libraries we have seen so far.

The data visualization design process starts with creating a figure (1), adjusting the geometry of that figure (2), then adjusting the aesthetic of that figure (3). As we saw in the section on styling your plots, this makes things harder than they need to be (when can I use a parameter? When do I need a method?), and creates a well-known user pain point.

The grammar of graphics solves this thorny issue. In grammar of graphics -based libraries (like plotnine), every operation is expressed the same way: using a function. In plotnine we create graphs by "adding up" our elements:

The Data element is a call to ggplot, which populates the data in the graph. The Aesthetics are controlled by the aes function, which populates our visual variables: colors, shapes, and so on. Finally, Layers are functions that add to or modify the plot itself.

A plotnine plot consists of functions of these three types concatenated together with a plus (+) operator. The result is an extremely expressive way of building your charts!

Let's jump into plotnine and see this grammar of graphics in action.

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
reviews = pd.read_csv("../input/wine-reviews/winemag-data-130k-v2.csv", index_col=0)
country description designation points price province region_1 region_2 taster_name taster_twitter_handle title variety winery
0 Italy Aromas include tropical fruit, broom, brimston... Vulkà Bianco 87 NaN Sicily & Sardinia Etna NaN Kerin O’Keefe @kerinokeefe Nicosia 2013 Vulkà Bianco (Etna) White Blend Nicosia
1 Portugal This is ripe and fruity, a wine that is smooth... Avidagos 87 15.0 Douro NaN NaN Roger Voss @vossroger Quinta dos Avidagos 2011 Avidagos Red (Douro) Portuguese Red Quinta dos Avidagos
2 US Tart and snappy, the flavors of lime flesh and... NaN 87 14.0 Oregon Willamette Valley Willamette Valley Paul Gregutt @paulgwine Rainstorm 2013 Pinot Gris (Willamette Valley) Pinot Gris Rainstorm
In [2]:
from plotnine import *
In [3]:
top_wines = reviews[reviews['variety'].isin(reviews['variety'].value_counts().head(5).index)]

The grammar of graphics

Our starting point is a simple scatter plot:

In [4]:
df = top_wines.head(1000).dropna()

 + aes('points', 'price')
 + geom_point())
<ggplot: (8749010401670)>

Notice how the plot breaks down smoothly into three separate operations. First we initialize the plot with ggplot, passing in our input data (df) as a parameter (the data). Then we add the variables of interest in aes (the aesthetic). Finally we specify the plot type (the layer): geom_point.

To keep changing the plot, just keep adding things. You can add a regression line with a stat_smooth layer:

In [5]:
df = top_wines.head(1000).dropna()

        + aes('points', 'price')
        + geom_point()
        + stat_smooth()
/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/plotnine/stats/ UserWarning: Confidence intervals are not yet implementedfor lowess smoothings.
  warnings.warn("Confidence intervals are not yet implemented"
<ggplot: (8749010375565)>

To add color, add an aes with color:

In [6]:
df = top_wines.head(1000).dropna()

        + geom_point()
        + aes(color='points')
        + aes('points', 'price')
        + stat_smooth()
<ggplot: (8749004362423)>

To apply faceting, use facet_wrap.

In [7]:
df = top_wines.head(1000).dropna()

     + aes('points', 'price')
     + aes(color='points')
     + geom_point()
     + stat_smooth()
     + facet_wrap('~variety')
<ggplot: (8749004329371)>

Notice how every mutation of the plot requires adding one more thing, and how that one thing goes to the same place every time (we just add it on). With a little bit of knowledge about what the valid functions in plotnine are, every change we need to make is obvious. And this sense of "obviousness" is what the library is all about!

Faceting is a really good example of this in action. Using plotnine, once we realize we need faceting we can add it in right away—just append a facet_wrap to the end. Using seaborn, we would have to change our whole approach: we need to compute a properly parameterized FacetGrid, insert that before our plotting code, and (potentially) rewrite our plotting function so that it "fits" inside of FacetGrid.

Moverover, modifying your output is as simple as adding one more method to the chain. Since each modification we make is independent, we can make those changes anywhere.

For example, in all of the plots thus far we have had the chart aesthetic (aes) appear as a separate functional element; however, aes can also appear as a layer parameter:

In [8]:
 + geom_point(aes('points', 'price'))
<ggplot: (8749004330458)>

Or as a parameter in the overall data:

In [9]:
(ggplot(df, aes('points', 'price'))
 + geom_point()
<ggplot: (8749004217436)>

Notice how these plots are all strictly equivalent!

More plotnine

plotnine is actually a faithful Python port of the now-very-famous originator of the grammar-of-graphics concept, the ggplot2 library, an R package published by celebrity programmer Hadley Wickham. The (for Python, unusual) use of the + operator mimics its usage in ggplot2.

Geometries are the core of plotnine, which comes with a variety of geometries of varying levels of complexity. For example, a poltnine bar plot is geom_bar:

In [10]:
     + aes('points')
     + geom_bar()
<ggplot: (-9223363287851102064)>

The plotnine equivalent of a hexplot, a two-dimensional histogram, is geom_bin2d:

In [11]:
     + aes('points', 'variety')
     + geom_bin2d(bins=20)
<ggplot: (-9223363287850446532)>

Non-geometric function calls can be mixed in to change the structure of the plot. We've already seen facet_wrap; coord_fixed and ggtitle are two more.

In [12]:
         + aes('points', 'variety')
         + geom_bin2d(bins=20)
         + coord_fixed(ratio=1)
         + ggtitle("Top Five Most Common Wine Variety Points Awarded")
<ggplot: (8749003587988)>

And so on.

For a list of functions provided by plotnine, see the library's well-stocked API Reference.


For the following exercises, try forking and running this notebook, and then reproducing the charts that follows.

In [13]:
pokemon = pd.read_csv("../input/pokemon/Pokemon.csv", index_col=0)\
                        .rename(columns=lambda x: x.replace(" ", "_"))
Name Type_1 Type_2 Total HP Attack Defense Sp._Atk Sp._Def Speed Generation Legendary
1 Bulbasaur Grass Poison 318 45 49 49 65 65 45 1 False
2 Ivysaur Grass Poison 405 60 62 63 80 80 60 1 False
3 Venusaur Grass Poison 525 80 82 83 100 100 80 1 False
In [17]:
 + aes('Attack', 'Defense')
 + geom_point())
<ggplot: (8749010401663)>
In [20]:
 + aes('Attack', 'Defense')
 + aes(color='Legendary')
 + geom_point()
 + ggtitle("Pokemon Attack and Defense by Legendary Status"))
<ggplot: (-9223363287856928196)>

Hint: for the plot that follows, use geom_histogram.

In [28]:
     + aes('Attack')
     + geom_histogram(bins=20)
     + facet_wrap('~Generation')
<ggplot: (8748997817913)>


plotnine is a data visualization library which implements the grammar of graphics, an ingenious approach to data visualization design that's worth understanding. Hopefully this section has familiarized you with the idea!

Click here to proceed to the last section of the tutorial: time-series plotting.