Method chaining workbook


This is the workbook component of the "Method chaining" section of the tutorial. For the reference component, click here.

This is the last workbook in the tutorial. Congratulations! In this section we will put all of the things that we learned together to do some truly interesting things with some datasets. The exercises in this section are therefore also quite difficult! Try using method chaining syntax while working through the examples that follow, and make studious use of the hints that we provide.

In [52]:
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('max_rows', 5)
from learntools.advanced_pandas.method_chaining import *

chess_games = pd.read_csv("../input/chess/games.csv")

Checking Answers

Check your answers in each exercise using the check_qN function (replacing N with the number of the exercise). For example here's how you would check an incorrect answer to exercise 1:

In [53]:

If you get stuck, use the answer_qN function to see the code with the correct answer.

For the first set of questions, running the check_qN on the correct answer returns True.

For the second set of questions, using this function to check a correct answer will present an informative graph.


View your data by running the cell below

In [54]:
id rated created_at last_move_at turns victory_status winner increment_code white_id white_rating black_id black_rating moves opening_eco opening_name opening_ply
0 TZJHLljE False 1.504210e+12 1.504210e+12 13 outoftime white 15+2 bourgris 1500 a-00 1191 d4 d5 c4 c6 cxd5 e6 dxe6 fxe6 Nf3 Bb4+ Nc3 Ba5... D10 Slav Defense: Exchange Variation 5
1 l1NXvwaE True 1.504130e+12 1.504130e+12 16 resign black 5+10 a-00 1322 skinnerua 1261 d4 Nc6 e4 e5 f4 f6 dxe5 fxe5 fxe5 Nxe5 Qd4 Nc6... B00 Nimzowitsch Defense: Kennedy Variation 4
2 mIICvQHh True 1.504130e+12 1.504130e+12 61 mate white 5+10 ischia 1496 a-00 1500 e4 e5 d3 d6 Be3 c6 Be2 b5 Nd2 a5 a4 c5 axb5 Nc... C20 King's Pawn Game: Leonardis Variation 3
3 kWKvrqYL True 1.504110e+12 1.504110e+12 61 mate white 20+0 daniamurashov 1439 adivanov2009 1454 d4 d5 Nf3 Bf5 Nc3 Nf6 Bf4 Ng4 e3 Nc6 Be2 Qd7 O... D02 Queen's Pawn Game: Zukertort Variation 3
4 9tXo1AUZ True 1.504030e+12 1.504030e+12 95 mate white 30+3 nik221107 1523 adivanov2009 1469 e4 e5 Nf3 d6 d4 Nc6 d5 Nb4 a3 Na6 Nc3 Be7 b4 N... C41 Philidor Defense 5

Exercise 1: It's well-known that in the game of chess, white has a slight first-mover advantage against black. Can you measure this effect in this dataset? Use the winner column to create a pandas Series showing how often white wins, how often black wins, and how often the result is a tie, as a ratio of total games played. In other words, a Series that looks something like this:

white    0.48
black    0.44
draw     0.08
Name: winner, dtype: float64

Hint: use len to get the length of the initial DataFrame, e.g. the count of all games played.

In [55]:
chess_games['winner'].value_counts() / len(chess_games)
white    0.498604
black    0.454033
draw     0.047363
Name: winner, dtype: float64
In [56]:
print(check_q1(chess_games['winner'].value_counts() / len(chess_games)))
In [57]:
chess_games['winner'].value_counts() / len(chess_games)

Exercise 2: The opening_name field of the chess_games dataset provides interesting data on what the most commonly used chess openings are. However, it gives a bit too much detail, including information on the variation used for the most common opening types. For example, rather than giving Queen's Pawn Game, the dataset often includes Queen's Pawn Game: Zukertort Variation.

This makes it a bit difficult to use for categorical purposes. Here's a function that can be used to separate out the "opening archetype":

lambda n: n.split(":")[0].split("|")[0].split("#")[0].strip()

Use this function to parse the opening_name field and generate a pandas Series counting how many times each of the "opening archetypes" gets used. Hint: use a map.

In [58]:
    .map(lambda n: n.split(":")[0].split("|")[0].split("#")[0].strip())
Sicilian Defense       2632
French Defense         1412
Valencia Opening          1
Pterodactyl Defense       1
Name: opening_name, Length: 143, dtype: int64
In [59]:
    .map(lambda n: n.split(":")[0].split("|")[0].split("#")[0].strip())
In [60]:
    .map(lambda n: n.split(":")[0].split("|")[0].split("#")[0].strip())

Exercise 3: In this dataset various players play variably number of games. Group the games by {white_id, victory_status} and count how many times each white player ended the game in mate , draw, resign, etcetera. The name of the column counting how many times each outcome occurred should be n (hint: rename or assign may help).

In [61]:
    .groupby(['white_id', 'victory_status'])
white_id victory_status n
0 --jim-- mate 1
1 -l-_jedi_knight_-l- mate 1
... ... ... ...
11487 zzzbbb resign 1
11488 zzzimon resign 1

11489 rows × 3 columns

In [62]:
    .groupby(['white_id', 'victory_status'])
In [63]:
    .groupby(['white_id', 'victory_status'])

Exercise 4: There are a lot of players in the dataset who have only played one or a small handful of games. Create a DataFrame like the one in the previous exercise, but only include users who are in the top 20 users by number of games played. See if you can do this using method chaining alone! Hint: reuse the code from the previous example. Then, use pipe.

In [64]:
    .groupby(['white_id', 'victory_status'])
    .pipe(lambda df: df.loc[df.white_id.isin(chess_games.white_id.value_counts().head(20).index)]) 
white_id victory_status n
9 1240100948 draw 3
10 1240100948 mate 7
... ... ... ...
10907 vovkakuz outoftime 4
10908 vovkakuz resign 23

72 rows × 3 columns

In [65]:
    .groupby(['white_id', 'victory_status'])
    .pipe(lambda df: df.loc[df.white_id.isin(chess_games.white_id.value_counts().head(20).index)]) 
In [66]:
    .groupby(['white_id', 'victory_status'])
    .pipe(lambda df: df.loc[df.white_id.isin(chess_games.white_id.value_counts().head(20).index)]) 

Next, let's do some visual exercises.

The next exercise uses the following dataset:

In [67]:
kepler = pd.read_csv("../input/kepler-exoplanet-search-results/cumulative.csv")
rowid kepid kepoi_name kepler_name koi_disposition koi_pdisposition koi_score koi_fpflag_nt koi_fpflag_ss koi_fpflag_co koi_fpflag_ec koi_period koi_period_err1 koi_period_err2 koi_time0bk koi_time0bk_err1 koi_time0bk_err2 koi_impact koi_impact_err1 koi_impact_err2 koi_duration koi_duration_err1 koi_duration_err2 koi_depth koi_depth_err1 koi_depth_err2 koi_prad koi_prad_err1 koi_prad_err2 koi_teq koi_teq_err1 koi_teq_err2 koi_insol koi_insol_err1 koi_insol_err2 koi_model_snr koi_tce_plnt_num koi_tce_delivname koi_steff koi_steff_err1 koi_steff_err2 koi_slogg koi_slogg_err1 koi_slogg_err2 koi_srad koi_srad_err1 koi_srad_err2 ra dec koi_kepmag
0 1 10797460 K00752.01 Kepler-227 b CONFIRMED CANDIDATE 1.000 0 0 0 0 9.488036 0.000028 -0.000028 170.53875 0.00216 -0.00216 0.146 0.318 -0.146 2.9575 0.0819 -0.0819 615.8 19.5 -19.5 2.26 0.26 -0.15 793.0 NaN NaN 93.59 29.45 -16.65 35.8 1.0 q1_q17_dr25_tce 5455.0 81.0 -81.0 4.467 0.064 -0.096 0.927 0.105 -0.061 291.93423 48.141651 15.347
1 2 10797460 K00752.02 Kepler-227 c CONFIRMED CANDIDATE 0.969 0 0 0 0 54.418383 0.000248 -0.000248 162.51384 0.00352 -0.00352 0.586 0.059 -0.443 4.5070 0.1160 -0.1160 874.8 35.5 -35.5 2.83 0.32 -0.19 443.0 NaN NaN 9.11 2.87 -1.62 25.8 2.0 q1_q17_dr25_tce 5455.0 81.0 -81.0 4.467 0.064 -0.096 0.927 0.105 -0.061 291.93423 48.141651 15.347
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
9562 9563 10147276 K07987.01 NaN FALSE POSITIVE FALSE POSITIVE 0.021 0 0 1 0 0.681402 0.000002 -0.000002 132.18175 0.00285 -0.00285 0.147 0.309 -0.147 0.8650 0.1620 -0.1620 103.6 14.7 -14.7 1.07 0.36 -0.11 2218.0 NaN NaN 5713.41 5675.74 -1836.94 12.3 1.0 q1_q17_dr25_tce 6173.0 193.0 -236.0 4.447 0.056 -0.224 1.041 0.341 -0.114 294.16489 47.176281 15.385
9563 9564 10156110 K07989.01 NaN FALSE POSITIVE FALSE POSITIVE 0.000 0 0 1 1 4.856035 0.000064 -0.000064 135.99330 0.01080 -0.01080 0.134 0.323 -0.134 3.0780 0.2830 -0.2830 76.7 10.8 -10.8 1.05 0.36 -0.12 1266.0 NaN NaN 607.42 600.39 -194.33 8.2 1.0 q1_q17_dr25_tce 6469.0 158.0 -225.0 4.385 0.054 -0.216 1.193 0.410 -0.137 297.00977 47.121021 14.826

9564 rows × 50 columns

Exercise 5: The Kepler space observatory is in the business of finding potential exoplanets (planets orbiting stars other suns) and, after collecting the evidence, generating whether or not to confirm, decline to confirm, or deny that a given space body is, in fact, an exoplanet. In the dataset above, the "before" status of the body is koi_pdisposition, and the "after" status is koi_disposition.

Using the dataset above, generate a Series counting all of the possible transitions between pre-disposition and post-disposition. In other words, generate a Series whose index is a MultiIndex based on the {koi_pdisposition, koi_disposition} fields, and whose values is a count of how many times each possible combination occurred.

In [68]:
kepler.assign(n=0).groupby(['koi_pdisposition', 'koi_disposition']).n.count()
koi_pdisposition  koi_disposition
CANDIDATE         CANDIDATE          2248
                  CONFIRMED          2248
                  FALSE POSITIVE     5023
Name: n, dtype: int64
In [69]:
print(check_q5(kepler.assign(n=0).groupby(['koi_pdisposition', 'koi_disposition']).n.count()))
In [70]:
kepler.assign(n=0).groupby(['koi_pdisposition', 'koi_disposition']).n.count()

The next few exercises use the following datasets:

In [71]:
wine_reviews = pd.read_csv("../input/wine-reviews/winemag-data-130k-v2.csv", index_col=0)
ramen_reviews = pd.read_csv("../input/ramen-ratings/ramen-ratings.csv", index_col=0)
    country         ...                        winery
0     Italy         ...                       Nicosia
1  Portugal         ...           Quinta dos Avidagos
2        US         ...                     Rainstorm
3        US         ...                    St. Julian
4        US         ...                  Sweet Cheeks

[5 rows x 13 columns]
                   Brand   ...   Top Ten
Review #                   ...          
2580           New Touch   ...       NaN
2579            Just Way   ...       NaN
2578              Nissin   ...       NaN
2577             Wei Lih   ...       NaN
2576      Ching's Secret   ...       NaN

[5 rows x 6 columns]

Exercise 6: As we demonstrated in previous workbooks, the points column in the wine_reviews dataset is measured on a 20-point scale between 80 and 100. Create a Series which normalizes the ratings so that they fit on a 1-to-5 scale instead (e.g. a score of 80 translates to 1 star, while a score of 100 is five stars). Set the Series name to "Wine Ratings", and sort by index value (ascending).

In [72]:
(((wine_reviews['points'].dropna() - 80) / 4)
    .rename_axis("Wine Ratings")
Wine Ratings
0.00    397
0.25    692
4.75     33
5.00     19
Name: points, Length: 21, dtype: int64
In [73]:
print(check_q6((((wine_reviews['points'].dropna() - 80) / 4)
    .rename_axis("Wine Ratings")
In [74]:
(((wine_reviews['points'].dropna() - 80) / 4)
    .rename_axis("Wine Ratings")

Exercise 7: The Stars column in the ramen_reviews dataset is the ramen equivalent to the similar data points in wine_reviews. Luckily it is already on a 0-to-5 scale, but it has some different problems...create a Series counting how many ramens earned each of the possible scores in the dataset. Convert the Series to the float64 dtype and drop rames whose rating is "Unrated". Set the name of the Series to "Ramen Ratings". Sort by index value (ascending).

In [75]:
    .replace('Unrated', None)
    .rename_axis("Ramen Reviews")
Ramen Reviews
0.00     26
0.10      1
4.75     64
5.00    386
Name: Stars, Length: 42, dtype: int64
In [76]:
    .replace('Unrated', None)
    .rename_axis("Ramen Reviews")
In [77]:
    .replace('Unrated', None)
    .rename_axis("Ramen Reviews")

Exercise 8:: We can see from the result of the previous exercise that whilst the wine reviewers stick to a strict 20-point scale, ramen reviews occassionally deviate into fractional numbers. Modify your answer to the previous exercise by rounding review scores to the nearest half-point (so 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, or 5).

In [78]:
     .replace('Unrated', None)
     .map(lambda v: round(v * 2) / 2)
     .rename_axis("Ramen Reviews")
Ramen Reviews
0.0     38
0.5     14
4.5    140
5.0    450
Name: Stars, Length: 11, dtype: int64
In [79]:
     .replace('Unrated', None)
     .map(lambda v: round(v * 2) / 2)
     .rename_axis("Ramen Reviews")
In [80]:
     .replace('Unrated', None)
     .map(lambda v: round(v * 2) / 2)
     .rename_axis("Ramen Reviews")


You've finished the Pandas track. Many data scientist feel efficiency with Pandas is the most useful and practical skill they have, because it allows you to progress quickly in any project you have.

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