Data types and missing data reference

This is the reference section of the "Data types and missing data" section of the tutorial. For the workbook, click here.

In this short section we will look at two inter-related concepts, data types and missing data. This section draws from the Intro to data structures and Working with missing data sections of the comprehensive official tutorial.

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
reviews = pd.read_csv("../input/winemag-data-130k-v2.csv", index_col=0)
pd.set_option('max_rows', 5)

Data types

The data type for a column in a DataFrame or a Series is known as the dtype.

You can use the dtype property to grab the type of a specific column:

In [2]:

Alternatively, the dtypes property returns the dtype of every column in the dataset:

In [3]:
country        object
description    object
variety        object
winery         object
Length: 13, dtype: object

Data types tell us something about how pandas is storing the data internally. float64 means that it's using a 64-bit floating point number; int64 means a similarly sized integer instead, and so on.

One peculiarity to keep in mind (and on display very clearly here) is that columns consisting entirely of strings do not get their own type; they are instead given the object type.

It's possible to convert a column of one type into another wherever such a conversion makes sense by using the astype function. For example, we may transform the points column from its existing int64 data type into a float64 data type:

In [4]:
0         87.0
1         87.0
129969    90.0
129970    90.0
Name: points, Length: 129971, dtype: float64

A DataFrame or Series index has its own dtype, too:

In [5]:

pandas also supports more exotic data types: categorical data and timeseries data. Because these data types are more rarely used, we will omit them until a much later section of this tutorial.

Missing data

Entries missing values are given the value NaN, short for "Not a Number". For technical reasons these NaN values are always of the float64 dtype.

pandas provides some methods specific to missing data. To select NaN entreis you can use pd.isnull (or its companion pd.notnull). This is meant to be used thusly:

In [6]:
country description designation points price province region_1 region_2 taster_name taster_twitter_handle title variety winery
913 NaN Amber in color, this wine has aromas of peach ... Asureti Valley 87 30.0 NaN NaN NaN Mike DeSimone @worldwineguys Gotsa Family Wines 2014 Asureti Valley Chinuri Chinuri Gotsa Family Wines
3131 NaN Soft, fruity and juicy, this is a pleasant, si... Partager 83 NaN NaN NaN NaN Roger Voss @vossroger Barton & Guestier NV Partager Red Red Blend Barton & Guestier
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
129590 NaN A blend of 60% Syrah, 30% Cabernet Sauvignon a... Shah 90 30.0 NaN NaN NaN Mike DeSimone @worldwineguys Büyülübağ 2012 Shah Red Red Blend Büyülübağ
129900 NaN This wine offers a delightful bouquet of black... NaN 91 32.0 NaN NaN NaN Mike DeSimone @worldwineguys Psagot 2014 Merlot Merlot Psagot

63 rows × 13 columns

Replacing missing values is a common operation. pandas provides a really handy method for this problem: fillna. fillna provides a few different strategies for mitigating such data. For example, we can simply replace each NaN with an "Unknown":

In [7]:
0         Unknown
1         Unknown
129969    Unknown
129970    Unknown
Name: region_2, Length: 129971, dtype: object

Or we could fill each missing value with the first non-null value that appears sometime after the given record in the database. This is known as the backfill strategy:

fillna supports a few strategies for imputing missing values. For more on that read the official function documentation.

Alternatively, we may have a non-null value that we would like to replace. For example, suppose that since this dataset was published, reviewer Kerin O'Keefe has changed her Twitter handle from @kerinokeefe to @kerino. One way to reflect this in the dataset is using the replace method:

In [8]:
reviews.taster_twitter_handle.replace("@kerinokeefe", "@kerino")
0            @kerino
1         @vossroger
129969    @vossroger
129970    @vossroger
Name: taster_twitter_handle, Length: 129971, dtype: object

The replace method is worth mentioning here because it's handy for replacing missing data which is given some kind of sentinel value in the dataset: things like "Unknown", "Undisclosed", "Invalid", and so on.